FESTIVALS, EVENTS & WORKSHOPS Arts and crafts activity including knitting puppets, outdoor animation and a one person 'Cinema Minima' on the seafront: provided at all manner of festivals and events including Latitude, award winning Festival of Thrift created by designer Wayne Hemingway, Danny Boyle's Shuffle Festival and the international Fun Palace – where everyone is an artist and a scientist for the day! |
Currently artist in residence at The Mill Primary Academy in Crawley. Assisted several schools in setting up a Room 13 inspired dedicated art studio – run by the children for the children. At previous school, Ore Village Primary Academy, this involved taking up residence in a double decker bus purchased specially for the project and secured in the school playground. |
MEXICO MINI RESIDENCY Study with Mexican artist Boris Spider (celebrated papier mache expert), during the world famous Day of the Dead period, led to the creation of shadow box and shrine art, masks and alebrijes. A mini residency was spent working with children from the Oaxacan Street Children project - a video of the work can be viewed here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyKGqjHOMe4 Knowledge and insights gained from this experience led to the Skeletons Out Of The Closet project, featured on ITV as part of the Big Lottery's People's Project. Find out more about this project in the Installation section of this website, and by viewing the link here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQFkxQidVc&t=16s |
BRIGHTON UNIVERSITY LECTURING Time was spent teaching on the Social Work BA Hons Degree course - helping students to look at how they can use art in a therapeutic setting. Puppets were made out of clay and students then learned how to attribute them with difficult feelings and create a performance in order to act them out. |